Plastic research conducted in the studio since 1978
Research conducted by Coline Periano from january 2022 to january 2025

22 March 2023

Study Day - Architecture of Care: Porosities of hospital space-time

Study Day co-organised by Coline Periano, Céline Lefève (MCF philosophy - UMR SPHERE - Director of the Institut La Personne en médecine - Université Paris Cité) and Martin Dumont (MCF philosophy - LIS - UPEC - Responsible for the Chair of Philosophy at the Hôtel Dieu - ENS - AP-HP, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris)

The aim of this day is to study the conditions provided by architecture to accommodate relationships and uses that participate in care and allow patients, particularly chronic patients, to recover an active and peaceful relationship with themselves, with others and with their environment.

The guests present at this Study Day :

  • Céline Bonicco-Donato, philosopher and professor at ENSA Grenoble (UMR AAU, Cresson team)
  • Jean-Philippe Pierron, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Burgundy, co-founder of the "Value(s) of Care" chair
  • Lucile Sergent, jurist and sociologist, expert patient (Sorbonne University in medicine), doctoral student in sociology (HT2S of the Cnam (National Health Insurance Fund)), author of "Malades en action, démocratie sanitaire en question", Erès (2023)
  • Geneviève Alberti, user representative (Hôpital Bichat)
  • Lucie Cabrejo, neurologist and head of UTEP ENVOL (Bichat Hospital)
  • Nicolas Castoldi, Deputy Director to the Director General and Executive Director of the Hôtel-Dieu initiative (AP-HP)
  • Donato Severo, architect and historian, Professor Emeritus ENSA Paris-Val-de-Seine, Archidessa Chair, Architecture, Design, Health


9 March 2023

Conference - Concept Proposal: Clinical Architecture

There are architectures that heal, therapeutic architectures, that bring health, salubrity, or lead to good health behaviour. Through the concept of clinical architecture, we propose criteria that are both more modest and more political for the architecture of healthcare facilities. More modest, because clinical architecture does not seek to cure users but to accompany their care. It is also more political, because we consider that this care requires the recognition of the knowledge and the pace of life of people living with chronic diseases. Clinical architecture articulates method and proposal: it looks at users and their perceptions of space, it proposes a welcome, support and visibility of the singular uses they develop of space.

Reference: Watch the replay of the conference animated by Coline Periano


February 2023

Why talk about corridors when hospitals are full of innovation and technical prowess?

Talking to users in hospitals leads us to reconsider the use of the most basic surfaces. In addition to supporting circulation and storage, the corridor is a space that is widely used by patients during their hospitalization. The philosophical view of disability and care helps to understand why and how corridors can be conceived as caring spaces, both open and supervised, allowing orientation and verification of therapy, giving meaning to rehabilitation.

With the Chair of Philosophy

Reference: Article published in Gestion Hospitalière by Coline Periano


31 January 2023

Knowledge management: interview in applied philosophy

Coline Periano's thesis is field research with interviews. It consists of observation and discussion with hospital patients. In philosophy, interviews have their own methodology. They strive to understand the way in which the person develops their reasoning and behaviour. They reveal the experience of those interviewed.

Reference: Article published in La Pause Philo by Coline Periano


17 January 2023

Reference “ S’affranchir du concept de handicap”

Study on adapting health care facilities for people with chronic disabling illnesses is supported by interrelated research on accessibility and disability. The recently published “S’affranchir du concept de handicap” enables to see beyond disability as a loss of capacity, to focus on the development of skills. These are supported by environmental factors that concern all bodies without distinction.

Reference: Article published in Topophile by Coline Periano


30 September 2022

Ethical practice of the hospital architect

Speech given at the " Exigence éthique" Conference in Clermont Ferrand September 2022 which included presentations from several healthcare practitioners and researchers including Pierre Rosanvallon, Didier Sicard and Jean-François Delfraissy.

Architecture is a regulated profession under State supervision to guarantee the public interest through the quality of spaces. Thus, there is a primary ethical requirement inherent to the profession - that of designing quality architecture to accommodate the activities of the population such as housing, learning, entertainment, work and healthcare. As for the hospital, the quality directives requested from architects are based on the optimisation of medical staff work to treat us in a safe and effective way. The philosophies of care lead to rethinking care activity to take into account the uniqueness of patients and the way in which the illness impacts them.
How can the ethics of care guide architects to design healthcare facilities that are conducive to the relationship between patient and medical staff? From the hospitalisation of patients and their unique needs within an inclusive architecture, it is possible to see how to integrate them into a healthcare relationship and, by extension, into the community.

Reference: Le travail de l'architecte hospitalier - Comment composer entre plusieurs exigences? by Coline Periano



Therapeutic Patient Education

Definition and contemporary challenges of therapeutic patient education, a recent concept that contributes to knowledge exchange between professionals and patients for more recognition of bio/psycho/social needs in healthcare.

Published in the Dictionnaire Politique d’Histoire de la Santé, Le Mans University, edited by Hervé Guillemain.

Reference: Article published on DicoPolHis by Coline Periano