Podcast Com d'Archi - Michel Rémon by Charlotte Depondt - Part 2
Listen to the second part of the interview of Michel Rémon by Charlotte Depondt by clicking on the link of your choice:
➡️ Apple Podcast : https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/s2-48-itv-volet-ii-ancrages-et-architecture-vivante/id1506890516?i=1000510079139
➡️ YouTube : https://youtu.be/2cc4eIZ-jQU
➡️ Deezer : https://deezer.page.link/63bMCTXqiExxM2US7
➡️ Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/episode/40xWvmyrcGD3EseKDSadFo?si=1q2MwTZbQJm3wBNfkG-7gA
Aussi sur Castbox, Podcastaddict, Google Podcast...
L'interview est également accessible via le lien https://linktr.ee/comdarchipodcast