First stone for IndustriLAB in Méaulte
On Thursday 4 April 2013, the foundation stone for the IndustriLAB building in Méaulte in Picardy was laid in the presence of : Vincent Peillon, Minister of National Education / Claude Gewerc, President of the Picardy Regional Council / Stéphane Demilly, Deputy Mayor and President of the Pays du Coquelicot Community of Municipalities / Jean-François Cordet, Prefect of the Picardy region / Bernard Beignier, Rector of the Amiens Academy / Jean-Denis Collet, IndustriLAB project manager / Jean-Noël Dewas, Aerolia / Marc Borensztein, Igrec Ingénierie / Séverine Douay, CRP project manager / Yves Ravalar and Bernard Mulot, Cademce